/* Welcome to Compass. * In this file you should write your main styles. (or centralize your imports) * Import this file using the following HTML or equivalent: * */ @import "compass/reset"; @import "zen"; $zen-column-count: 7; // Set the total number of columns in the grid. $zen-gutter-width: 10px; .example-container { @include zen-grid-container; // Apply this mixin to the container. } .block-a { @include zen-grid-item(3, 3, right); background: #fcc; } .block-b { @include zen-grid-item(2, 1); background: #faa; } .block-c { @include zen-grid-item(2, 6); background: #f99; } .block-d { @include zen-clear(left); @include zen-grid-item(2, 1); background: #f77; } /* .block-e { @include zen-grid-item(2, 6); background: #f55; } */ .navigation { @import "nav"; }