Morphex's blogologue (Life, technology, music, politics, business, mental health and more)

This is the blog of Morten W. Petersen, aka. morphex in various places. I blog about my life, and what I find interesting and/or important. This is a personal blog without any editor or a lot of oversight so treat it as such. :)

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Thread-safe message database for SMPS

I hacked a little more on the SMPS project today, which resulted in the following commit:

A pretty straight-forward message passing queue, that expires messages after n number of seconds. I guess the only thing left now before it can be put into practical use, is adding some sort of handshake with a secret, so that it is possible to protect the message queue from unauthorized access.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [An SSL TCP client/server implementation in Python (Atom feed)] [18 Jul 17:37 Europe/Oslo]