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Google Drive on Linux (ocamlfuse) and cp cannot create hardlink, function not implemented

So, I was copying a bunch of stuff from an old Windows partition, in case there was something there I needed, making a backup to my Google Drive.

Copying it all using Firefox or Chrome didn't work, the process just died away at some point. So I thought why not go for the command line, which could be setup to retry etc. whenever something fails.

I found google-drive-ocamlfuse, and installation and setup was straightforward. The installation command was

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alessandro-strada/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install google-drive-ocamlfuse

(all on one line).

After that, I created a directory google-drive in my home folder, with the command

mkdir google-drive

and setup that folder as a mount point to my google drive, using

google-drive-ocamlfuse google-drive/

It is worth mentioning that you have to close down the browser after authorizing gdfuse to access your google drive, otherwise you can sit and wait on the command line for a long time.

Voila, the google drive was mounted at /home/morphex/google-drive

Now, to mount my Windows partition and make it accessible for my regular user, I had to run

sudo mount -u uid=1000,gid=1000 /dev/sda3 /mnt

To mount the drive accessible to my regular user, so the copy command could read all files.

To copy all the files from the Windows partition, I had to use

cp -Ruvv --copy-contents /mnt /home/morphex/google-drive/ssd

It is worth mentioning that I figured out I had to use the --copy-contents argument, after cp said it couldn't create hardlink, function not implemented.

As an example, that was presumably that a file A existed, and file B was a pointer to the same file, with no contents of its own, and the ability to copy just the pointer was not implemented, so now file A and B exists in the google drive folder, each with their own set of data, taking up double the space.

It was a bit surprising that it took a bit of googling and thinking to figure out I could use the --copy-contents flag.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Linux (Atom feed)] [05 Sep 15:59 Europe/Oslo]