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Two on, one off

I've started with the new exercise regime now, where 2 days are on, and one day is off. Along with the increased amount of exercise, I'm also doing increases in the amount of weights that are being lifted, so today I increased the arm-related lifting by 5 kilograms.

It feels good to increase the amount of exercise, but I can feel that it is taking a bit of a toll on my work-energy as well. Or maybe that's just because I am eating less calories than I'm using.. not sure.

Think I'm burning around 3000-3500 calories a day now, and consuming around 2000, so each day I'm loosing 100-200 grams of fat. That's a motivation, and it will be nice to see the results after a while.

I don't use a scale, but I can see that the body is getting more toned and muscular, and all-in-all I might not have lost all that much weight, as the muscle mass is increasing.

I started this new exercise/diet thing about 1 year ago and by the summer it should really show. This project is for me to see and feel how it is to be really fit and slim; I've pretty much always been a chubby guy (and happy with that), but you gotta find new things to try..

Maybe I should start eating more green stuff, these days it is very easy to either do noodles+tuna or frozen pizza, but the pre-packed salads are in my opinion a wee bit too expensive, and I'm too lazy/incapable of creating my own salads. They just don't taste as good as the ones you can buy.

I'm also cheating a bit and using something which can be loosely translated as "packaged mouth tobacco" (snus):

which helps keep the mood up when I'm not eating as much as the body would like. I stopped using Snus before going to India and kept off it until about a month after I came back, but then I realized that life is better with Snus. It's kinda like coffee for me. Some known side-effects of Snus is higher blood pressure, but that's not a problem for me, yet. Maybe I'll stop some day if the doctor tells me to.

So, calorie restriction, exercise, lots of proteins, a daily dose of vitamins and Omega 3 is what I'm doing now. And I'll start eating more green stuff, and fiber. It *is* good for the body, so why not.

[Permalink] [By morphex] [The gym (Atom feed)] [03 Jan 20:16 Europe/Oslo]