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Ubuntu installed!

Today I got Ubuntu installed on the netbook. It was peaches. :)

But that's probably becaused I've got experience with installing Linux from somewhere in the middle of the nineties (Red Hat, Slackware)...

So, I read up here and there on what to do. Lots of documentation and heplful hints. After reading through various docs, I found

Unetbootin, which could transform a USB-stick into a bootable .. thingy. So, I fired up Unetbootin, plugged in a USB-stick and selected the latest Ubuntu Netinstall. It didn't take long, maybe half a minute and I had a bootable stick.

Another thing documentation mentions on the net is that you need to press the Esc key when the Eee is starting up, to get to select the USB-stick as a boot device.

That's what I did and the Linux installer started booting.

As I mentioned, I've installed Linux countless times, and the Ubuntu console install is pretty similar to Debian which we use at Nidelven IT, so this was familiar. However, I hit one snag, and that was the retrieval/install/configure phase of the installation of Ubuntu...

I'd selected the basic, desktop, netbook remix and openssh server options for package groups, and the installer choked on that after progressing 10% or so.

So, in something that was a Zen-like moment, I unselected the netbook remix group and tried again - and it worked. :)

I've now got Windows XP and Ubuntu installed on the netbook, and it seems to be working just fine!

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Asus PC Eee 1000HE 10" black (Atom feed)] [31 Jul 00:28 Europe/Oslo]