Morphex's blogologue (Life, technology, music, politics, business, mental health and more)

This is the blog of Morten W. Petersen, aka. morphex in various places. I blog about my life, and what I find interesting and/or important. This is a personal blog without any editor or a lot of oversight so treat it as such. :)

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Pink Floyd

I haven't found (original) Pink Floyd yet on Spotify, so I thought I'd give iTunes a try. And yes, there they were.. Pulse album and everything.

I bought the album and have been listening a bit to it today. I don't know, but I think Pink Floyd are truly some of the greatest ones.. great tones and interesting song names and lyrics. Some great puns in there too.

Some day I'll have to get a biig screen, good surround system and a high-res version of those concerts. Oh, I'd give a bit to get to go on a concert like that. There's a concept.. well-produced recordings of concerts with kick-ass sound. In movie teatres. And, the Dutch could RAKE in money. ;)

[Permalink] [By morphex] [Music (Atom feed)] [09 Mar 18:59 Europe/Oslo]